I would like to see: Make all hospitals, long-term care and other health facilities require masking with proper respirators. Not baggy ones. And worn properly.

Once a few facilities lifted the need, most others in Canada immediately did the same. We shouldn’t have to risk getting Covid (or any additional disease) because we need to be in a healthcare facility.

It seems unbelievable this needs to be said, but here we are.

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There's lots of pressure on Health Canada and NACI right now to speed up approvals for future vaccines and there have been some policy tweaks that will make the time-gap between invention of updated vaccines and rollout shorter -- but this year's rollout will still be woefully slow. Pfizer and Moderna both submitted for HC approval for the XBB shots back in June. We won't have them until October. Imagine if we'd actually taken the low-season to focus on getting the public boosted with a (relatively) up-to-date vaccine. Would be a different picture going into Autumn. Instead we get this.

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No, this whole premise is totally wrong, as with all deadly viruses vaccines-only is the ONLY practical solution, but they have to WORK, be geared very specifically to the virus they are meant to fight. But the US government has some kind of corruption going on with these mRNA failure companies, either that or they’re so hopelessly stupid there’s no chance. Biden has at least twice in the last year announced development programs for “next generation” vaccines, about which I’ve read articles on the different methodologies they use, but there is never any follow-up. No progress reports and they’ve obviously yet to appear, while the next day they’re back to pushing more “boosters” of garbage that DOESN’T WORK, and the news media won’t ask questions about this idiot pandemic response, which to me is EXTREMELY suspicious.

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